It's been a bit since last I blogged here, but most of it was for a good reason. The reason I'm back though, is not as pleasant.
My sister was here on her vacation last week, so computer time was more sparse, but we had a nice visit. Mr. C loved having both of his granddaughters under one roof (which hasn't happened since we were teens) and we got to eat out a lot.
I took her to GSP on Saturday morning and she got home without any incident (thankfully!). We vegged out on Saturday but decided we should have a meal out since the house is still pretty wrecked.
We went to Ruby Tuesday in Greenville, and sadly it was a less than stellar experience. The table was wobbly, which agitated me and Mr. C, and Joe's steak was barely cooked. The kids kept rocking the table around.
We had a definite Lewy day - Mr. C decided what he wanted to eat, closed his menu and we made small talk. By the time the waiter came he couldn't remember what he wanted so as usual, I ordered for him. That was ok though. The moment came when his food came - he said at least twice, "I didn't order that, did I?" Although he didn't seem too happy, he ended up really enjoying his food.
Sunday was a pretty quiet day. "Was" is the key word here. It sure didn't stay that way for very long. Mr. C finally made an appearance downstairs around lunch time and I made him a bowl of soup. We were chatting and I decided since I needed to keep an eye on him that I'd start some paint work behind the stove and counters. I got a bit done and decided to do a little touch up on the other wall that was already mostly painted, but had a couple of light spots. Well, I got an earful from him for being up so high on a stepladder, it was unsafe, etc. He was walking towards the front of the house, caneless, and had the kids near him. He tried to turn or avoid something and before I knew it he was toppling over onto his side. It was like it was in slow motion.
I ordered him not to move, even though the hard floor was pretty awful for him. Grabbed the pup who was anxiously licking Mr. C's face and flew out the front door yelling for Joe, then ran back to Mr. C. I grabbed some beach towels and a pillow and got him to stay still while EMS was on the way. I don't think anyone expected it, let alone Mr.C, but he has a fracture of the Femoral neck, which holds the ball of the hip joint. It's not the worst break, but bad enough to require surgery to stabilize it.
I tried to stress that Mr. C is being evaluated for Lewy Body Dementia and in no case should be given an antipsychotic. They even want to stop his Exelon patch because of anesthesia issues, but I'm going to make darn sure that's a last resort.
I'm going to be checking back in with Mr. C this morning and hopefully the night wasn't too hard on him. This sure isn't the way I was hoping to catch some respite.