Today was quite the rollercoaster, not only mentally, but physically.
Mr. C was moved from Greer Memorial to the larger Greenville Memorial so that the cardiologist could handle his cardiac catheterization there. Although that itself has some risks to it, they wanted to get a clearer picture of his overall heart function.
I met up with Mr. C who is starting to get more confused and finding it hard to believe he is in a bed. Somehow he still thinks he's standing up on a platform and he's going to fall off of it. I spent the afternoon trying to ground him. They finally came to do the cath at 3:30 and I waited about an hour to find out the results.
Dr. Hudac came to talk to me after the procedure, which went pretty smoothly given all that Mr. C is going through. Dr. Hudac is still very cautious about the heart but was going to give the orthopedic surgeon his opinion that Mr. C would be ok going through the hip repair. The worst option is doing nothing at all, he said.
I met with the orthopedist Dr. Lackey after that and he seems to think that the heart is going to do well enough for us to risk the surgery. There would be no quality of life at all if we leave things as is. So I have consented to put Mr. C under the knife.
I explained to him about the worry of general anesthesia with Mr. C due to Lewy and he said that they would be very comfortable using a spinal instead so that is one less worry on my mind. I dropped off my official Health Care Proxy forms for the hospital so now all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed.
I was able to request a sitter last night through the hospital so that I could be home with K and the family since it's her birthday. Sleep sounds so wonderful.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Ray of Hope
File under:
features of LBD,
hip fracture,