The day breaks.
It was already broken, really.
It's been broken for some time.
Coffee will move the sleep from my eyes, although
My eyes seem to see so little sleep.
It should be an easy job.
So much to do.
My beautiful children, getting older.
My beautiful grandfather, getting younger.
I'm too young for this, and you're too old.
Drool, pee, food, dead skin.
Clutter my laundry pile, it grows by the minute.
The children play, the old man sleeps.
Restful yet restless.
Long days of wondering, of watching him.
So much to do.
Dance class, puppy class, dinner to make.
Hither and tither.
Groceries, doctors, pharmacy yet again.
Helping you keep what dignity you still have.
Keeping the boundaries in place for your sake.
Modest to a fault, you are.
Afraid to smother, but needing to be close.
Just in case.
What if.
Will today be the day.
Would it bring relief or sadness.
Maybe both.
More meals, more diapers, more unanswered questions.
If only I could get the invisible crew in his room to help.
Is it better to be unaware of what's happening.
Another day of tender care.
Meds are done and you are tucked in to sleep.
Your visitors will come to entertain you in ways I cannot tonight.
Yes, I will tell them not to touch you.
Yes, the electric blanket is on.
Yes, the heat is on.
I know you are still cold, but it's all I can do.
I love you.
Peace is what I wish you could find when your mind wanders away.