I love you.
As a child loves her father. Adoring, unfailing love.
As a nurse tends to her ailing patient. Confident in her duty but sad to know that nothing can fix this wound.
As a student loves her teacher and mentor. Learning life through eyes that have seen so much life and now look to the beyond.
As a parent loves their child. Caring, calming, soothing the world’s insults upon you.
I miss you.
The man that taught me how to bait a hook and paddle a canoe. Who taught me that a jeep with no doors or seatbelts was the safest place on earth. My father when I had none. My shelter and my safe harbor unfailingly.
I honor you.
For your service, compassion, selflessness. Putting everyone else in front of you in the line of life’s handouts of good fortune. For giving, if only to give joy to another with nothing asked in return.
There are some hurts that cannot be fixed. Insults which cannot be palliated that are inflicted upon your very soul. I can’t fix this. I can only try to help you understand what’s happening to you. I can hold your hand and help you keep your grip on this life we call reality, if you even want to. I want so badly to see that spark of life in your eyes again, but I’m afraid it’s gone now. Even if it isn’t gone, I’m afraid it will leave you far too soon.
But if you can remember nothing else, remember me. Remember I love you.